Faculty of Business

Program Studi S1 Manajemen (S.M.)

The need for managerial skills as one of the determinants of competitiveness that needs to be developed by society in facing global competition is becoming increasingly evident. The next generation of the nation who have prime managerial skills that will hack into leaders in the future are increasingly coveted by society. "Management" is needed by everyone, both individual groups, organizations, and society because everyone wants to live a better life. On the other hand, it is equally important that the community's ability to become pioneers of entrepreneurship in the midst of future competition for jobs. By becoming an entrepreneur, new jobs will be created innovatively. In order to answer this need, UBD is preparing for a brighter future for the nation. The graduates produced will become a new generation who are managerially and creatively skilled as well as innovative in entrepreneurship.

Career Prospects

Career prospects are wide open, occupying various levels of management in managing manufacturing and service companies, management and business consulting, academic careers in management, and becoming reliable entrepreneurs in various business fields.

Job Title


Account manager – sales, Advertising Director, Media Relation Manager, Livestock Dealer, E-Commerce Manager, Distribution Manager, Correspondence & Public Inquiries Manager, Web Marketing Manager, Fundraising, Champagne, Sales Planning Manager, Business Development Manager, Agency Marketing Departement Manager, Corporate Sales Manager, Product Research & Development Manager.

Human Resource

Chief of staffing, Director of Pay Service, Manager of Disability Management Program, Human Development Consultant, Chief of Employment Equity, Employee Benefits Director, Labor Relation Manager, Recuiting Manager, Occupational Training Manager, Job Evaluation & Salary Research Manager, Personel Manager, Job Crafting Manager.


Financial Planning and Analyst, Corporate isk Director, Independent Public Accountant Chief, Internal Audit Manager, Financial Controller, Budgeting & Reporting Manager, Financial System Manager, Investment Manager.

Program Studi S1 Akuntansi (S.Ak.)

One of the characteristics of the era of globalization is the creation of trade and investment between countries that tend not to recognize national borders. This condition triggers increasingly sharp business competition, both at the national, regional and global levels. The increasing number of business units that are developing in this era of intense global competition creates great job and business opportunities for accountants who are competent and have international standards.

Accounting is the “language of business”. Every business person, even those involved in non-profit organizations, requires accounting to provide economic information in making business decisions. Reliable and quality accounting information cannot be separated from an accountant who is capable, virtuous, highly integrated, and who is always willing to update his accounting knowledge in line with the rapid developments in accounting practice. Apart from presenting accounting information, another accountant function is to check the fairness and reliability of accounting information. Currently, the types of accountants in Indonesia include Public Accountants, Management Accountants (accountants whose careers are in companies or non-profit organizations), Government Accountants, and Educating Accountants (accountants whose careers are in academia).

Students are prepared to master the fields of financial accounting, conceptual and practical management accounting, conceptual and practical taxation equivalent to Brevet A and Brevet B and conceptual and practical auditing.

Career Prospects

Lulusan Prodi S1 Akuntansi UBD dipersiapkan untuk memiliki jenjang karir di bidang audit keuangan di lembaga maupun organisasi pemerintah maupun swasta, staf pemeriksa di lembaga keuangan, penegakan hukum atau BUMN (Departemen keuangan, BPK, BPKP, KPK, Bank Indonesia), Staf ahli Akuntansi, Auditor Internal di perusahaan nasional maupun internasional, Manajer keuangan yang dapat mengelola perencanaan keuangan jangka pendek/panjang, Konsultan dan penyedia jasa bidang akuntansi keuangan, pengauditan dan perpajakan.

Job Title

Auditor Internal, Auditor Eksternal, Akuntan Manajemen, Spesialis Pajak, Akuntan Sektor Publik, Akuntan Pendidik, Kantor Akuntan Publik, Konsultan Manajemen dan Pajak.

Program Studi S1 Administrasi Niaga (S.AB)

The UBD Business Administration Study Program prepares students to become entrepreneurs (pioneers and business owners), adbispreneurs / intrapreneurs (professionals with the ability to manage a business in accordance with company policies).

Students are equipped with basic administrative competencies in general and company administration in particular. They are prepared to become professionals who have the ability to handle office clarical work efficiently and effectively, manage office infrastructure, process data accurately, manage information to support office work, manage the organization, and communicate well in a variety of languages.

Career Prospects

Lulusan prodi S1 Administrasi Niaga sangat luas prospek kerjanya. Posisi dengan kuota besar banyak dibutuhkan di beberapa perusahaan. Mulai dari pembuatan laporan dan jurnal karyawan, dokumentasi dan pengarsipan file, Entry dan input data, melakukan korespondensi dan menangani komplain, pengelolaan vendor, pengelolaan pembelian barang dan jasa (lokal dan import), pengelolaan RO – PO, dan MO, dan SPK, pembuatan & pelaksaan activity plan, pelaksanaan Countinous improvement, kerjasama dengan bagian lain, implementasi ISO, dll.

Job Title

Business Consultants, Administration Managers, Executive Secretaries, Trainers, Office Administrative Staff, receptionists, customer service, corporate communicators, Human (Public Relations) in the fields of industry, manufacturing, trade, or government institutions.

Program Studi D3 Akuntansi (A.Md.)

Program studi diploma (D3) merupakan program vokasi yang bertujuan menyiapkan mahasiswa menjadi tenaga ahli madya profesional perpajakan secara praktikal dan bidang akuntansi keuangan yang mampu menyusun Laporan Keuangan Perusahaan sesuai dengan standar akuntansi yang berlaku umum.

Career Prospects

Graduates of this program will be directed to master skills in the field of work that can be directly absorbed as intermediate expert workers in government or private agencies, or independently self-employed. Therefore, teaching in this program prioritizes skills (practice) compared to theoretical lectures.

Job Title

Accounting Clerk, Stock Control Supervisor, Account Supervisor, Cost Control, Tax Accounting Coordinator, Budget Officer, Assistant Auditor, Assistant System Analyst, Assistant Public Accountant, Assistant Management Accountant, Internal Audit, and Assistant Accountant Educator.